Saturday, April 9, 2011

Conquering Lion Yoga - Graduation Ceremony

What a blessing it was to have been part of Kelly Morris' first Conquering Lion Yoga graduation ceremony!  Not only did I get to meet and speak to Kelly (yoohoo!!!) and some of her fellow yoga colleagues and students, but in just a few hours I shared in the love, joy and happiness that makes up the Conquering Lion's teacher training program.  Kelly Morris is not only founder and director of the Conquering Lion Program, but she's lineage holder in the Gelupka tradition of his Holiness the Dalai Lama.   Yes, she's the real deal!

I'm so looking forward to taking Kelly's class on Friday nights at The Shala in NYC.


 Kelly Morris presenting diploma
 Kelly and new teacher accepting diploma
 Kelly and John (the only male CLY graduate)
Graduation Ceremony Attendees

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